Thursday, May 31, 2012


Do you believe in "energy"?
Do you believe that energy is what has made, what is all around us??
Do you believe that energy is what we are, and that energy is what will always remain??
Do you believe, that there is no God, but 'energy' that we actually treat, as God??

Unrelated: There is this one really intriguing documentary, I'd suggest everyone to watch. Its called "esoteric agenda".

But yes, I mean, energy...
Think of it, a long long long time ago, a few molecules of helium and some other very volatile ones collided, causing the big bang, which practically formed rocks, planets, and other weird things...
Logically, everything came from the same place... You and me, we're made of the same things as the stars... that's probably how 'the elders' formed connections with them and called it astrology... The signs, how you relate to your sign, behavioral patterns, attitudes, etc... there is something to it...
This thing we call soul, does not really exist, its merely energy... Our lifeline...
And this thing about reincarnation, again, has the same relation here... What it is, is nothing but the transfer of energy from one vessel to another... We are merely those vessels, that hold energy...

When we die, we pass on that energy to other living beings/things around... right?
so, this must be where 'soul' and 'energy' met... and then, reincarnation...

Keep an open mind, and you unravel so much... wah!

Also, does not stop just yet... What this would mean is that...

you never die...

At this point, I'd like to point out, to read the book "Mind is a Myth" by U.G. Krishnamurthy... very, very enlightening

Though, you're free to disagree... to banter about how I may be wrong...