Tuesday, October 20, 2009

does this make me an emo douche? if it does then may it be...

this conversation went on with my invisible little friend:
"im stuck between lines, stuck between where to go, or whom to look forward to.
the one reason for me to go to pune is gone away.
what am i to do?
do i stay here in goa? do i go to dubai? how must i pass on this one year by?
well, for one, im gonna be waiting fer her to come back..
but till then what am i to do?
and what assurance do i have that she will come back to india?
what if she settles there? what if she gets a job, or what if she ends up in rajkot? what if her parents are already deciding upon getting her married and stuff (which they already seem to be doing)?
my whole life seems to hang on to her actions...
i have nothing else to do, or feel like doing...
and i in no ways want to disappoint her..."