Saturday, July 24, 2010


Also ive been working on making music lately.
Made up some random electronic, mellow music. Plus some covers.
And is continuously updated. So keep watching.

Link here.

Odopod- 2

Yeay, so today my i came up with a sketch which was later featured on the website that helped me create it. Also written up in my previous post.

Heres the link.

and heres the image.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


So i was searching for some more online time-pass. This time it was Odopod.

and came up with these... (in chronological order)
Link to all images here.

Er, they may take time to load... follow the links otherwise.

Richard's Dance

Dance For Life

So i got desperate, and thus purchased a graphics tablet after i saw the potential this application had... and thus the following...

